Once your child has been with us for a few weeks, she or he will need a uniform; uniform should be worn to every meeting for every section.
New members should wear comfy clothes for their first few meetings, suitable for sporty games.
Where to buy?
We have a selection of second hand uniform for sale or to swap or you can purchase new.
- Bromley Scout Shop - Local (near Bromley Station) and supports our district. https://www.bromleyscouts.org/our-shop
- Scout Association Official Shop - https://shop.scouts.org.uk/
- Glasgow Scout Ship - https://www.glasgowscoutshop.com/
Dark blue combats are needed for all sections and should be worn to all meetings. The official scout trousers are excellent or you can buy unbranded ones from outdoors stores.
Top half
Beavers wear the official blue sweatshirt
Cubs wear the official green sweatshirt
Scouts wear the official green shirt
Explorers wear the official brown shirt
Every section must wear a scarf to every meeting. We provide the first one but if you need a new one, it costs £4 (explorer scarf costs £8)
A woggle is a slide that holds the scarf together. They must be worn to every meeting.
The beaver and cub leaders provide the woggles but need to charge for replacements. Scouts and explorers should provide their own. They can make them or buy them.